used to skate 2






Who said the dorms aren't fun?  The top row is a little table action in the living room sophmore year.  I have some photos of the ramp that we built using the bed-boards, but they're on slides.  I'll scan them sometime...

table1.JPG (15202 bytes) table2.JPG (11901 bytes) table3.JPG (10437 bytes)
hurrican.JPG (14230 bytes) tailgrab.JPG (13177 bytes) olliesig.JPG (20566 bytes)
overcarl.JPG (18329 bytes) overcar1.JPG (23040 bytes) 3inconco.JPG (8992 bytes)
Carl volunteered for this! here's what he got. me, Steve, and the Hopper



That way Home Up This way