color is blue? Is
it the generic blue Used
as adjectives In
children's stories? No,
or my eyes tell me wrongly. It
is the dark indigo produced by plants To
fasten our clothes with color. Or
is it the pale baby blue of the sky In early autumn? I
need only to bring two people together To
discover two more hues: A
cyan, touched, yet not quite captured By
green, And
the teal of the depths of a quiet pond Secluded
in the mountains. Can
but only one person agree? Can
nature explain blue to me? Lapis
lazuli reveals a crystalline hue Twixt
dark and rich navy. But
cobalt has a powdery azure That
dresses the creations of a potter. The
solidness of turquoise Lends
definition to the color Which
the deep sapphire sharply contrasts. The
sky ranges from a clear summer hue To
the hazy overcast aqua of November. Nor
does the sea hold any preordained shade: The
capriciousness from wave to wave Tosses
the color from the darkest deep To
the highest light, and then descends again. If
Nature herself cannot decide, Then
can a man say what color is blue And
have but one man out of a multitude Agree
? Never.