When I miss the summer heat While in my bed I lay, I watch the storm from beneath my sheet And see the sky turn grey.
These last few days I've been right here With this certain loneliness. I face the world despite my fear: My Jennifer I will always miss.
Will I ever touch her again With my love so true? And will I still be her friend And have her love me too?
I know that now I lay no claim And that I have no ties, But why am I to blame To wish for such a prize?
Such intelligence is rarely matched With such a lovely figure, And when her gorgeous surface is scratched Her fan club grows quite bigger.
They see in her a beauty Of knowledge and of soul, It sure would be a pity To let a treasure go.
I know the hurt they'd feel Only magnified many more times, To me it is quite real: This Venus once was mine.
I wish her all the happiness And I pray each day That God may truly her life bless And help her on her way.
I laugh when she is happy And cry when she is sad. And hope that everyone else will see What a good love we've had.